Active Class Communication Using Slack

Event Date


Event Image

Unpacking the Digital Backpack

Event Description

This one-hour orientation is reserved for ASU faculty, staff and TAs.

This orientation will be held online and will not be recorded.


Active Class Communication with Slack

Slack has become the emerging technology for quick and instant in-company communication. At ASU, it has rapidly grown in popularity and now opens new portals to communication not only within department but classroom-environments as well. Join us as we take classroom communication further with Slack to elevate relationship-building and active lesson engagement. Amplify the multiple uses Slack has to offer to boost learning and create career-readiness.

Target Audience: ASU Educators and Designers interested in increasing their classroom engagement through Slack. Access to Slack will be requested, but participants will be added to a workspace specific to the workshop for demonstration purposes. Some experience using Slack is recommended to navigate multiple features being covered.

Unpacking the Digital Backpack