Culture Check-In

UTO releases quarterly Culture Check-In, which will help us to regularly take the pulse of how we are collectively doing on living our core values.

We will share with you the aggregated results each quarter and use your insights to inform the development of some of our culture activities. This survey has been brought to you by UTO Culture Weavers and C3 (Culture, Creative + Communications).

FY20 Q4 Culture Survey Summary

Culture survey word cloud

Making strides together:

  • Appreciation of the togetherness and transparency during Town Halls
  • Resonance with Positive Core elements
  • Learning from each other (peer to peer)
  • Better communication across the organization and from leadership


Areas identified by staff for improvement:

  • Doing too much / feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Uneven feeling that voices are being heard
  • Uneven reception of failure as a key part of the success
  • Professional development -- promoted in theory but not enough in practice.
  • Formal career pathways


FY20 Q3 Culture Survey Summary

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High marks on collaboration 
+ teamwork to build upon:

The data reveals that UTO staff collaborates frequently and effectively within their teams and throughout UTO, but the collaboration drops externally with community members outside of UTO. This could be role-based as some teams + individuals are inherently “customer”-focused, partnering with various units across and outside of ASU.


Areas identified by staff for improvement:

  • Emphasizing professional learning + growth
  • Increasing alignment with and perceived value of the Positive Core
  • Closing the gap between recognizing the value of Culture Weavers + participating in the community of practice
  • Acknowledging where leadership can do a better job with access to info, openness + transparency